Selective Studio is a professional writing company where images and thoughts are full of treasures, and where writings come to life. Have a project in mind? Let’s work together and create magic.

G.reatness O.ver Darkness Sisters of Enchantment Volume 1 of 6

Paperback: $20

G.reatness O.ver Darkness Path of Teewa

Volume 2 of 6

Paperback: $15

Ghost Writing for Autobiography Book

Consultation (Interview): FREE!!

Ghost Write Autobiography: $1,000

Deposit: $300 (can pay remainder in installments)

Contract will be signed upon agreement of writing

Ghost Writing for Fictional Short Story

Consultation (Interview): FREE!!

Ghost Write Fictional Short Story: $1,500

Deposit: $500 (can pay remainder in installments)

Contract will be signed upon agreement of writing

Ghost Writing for Fictional/Non Fictional Book

Consultation (Interview): FREE!!

Ghost Write Fictional/Non Fictional Book: $3,000

Deposit: $500 (can pay remainder in installments

Contract will be signed upon agreement of writing

Novels will be 60 to 70,000 words

Character Building Course: $40

$20 due at registration, remainder due day before event.

Event posting coming soon!!